Friday, March 17, 2017

Mi vida en photos!

Time is moving so quickly for me here in Honduras. It seems like just last week we were celebrating Christmas and New Years. It's hard to believe that was three and a half months ago. Since then we have celebrated many birthdays, welcomed many visitors, and have started the new school year (the school year here goes from February-November). Some changes in our jobs back a few months ago resulted in me being the math, science, and english teacher for 1st and 2nd grade. So far it has been a lots of fun, lots of work too, but really good. On that note, as it's been four months since my last blog post, instead of going into detail of everything we have done in the last 4 and a half months, I will give you an overview via photos and captions. So without further ado:

December 2016-

The view from my front porch

Entertaining the younger kids with some games of "pin the nose on the snowman"

                                                                                Christmas cookies of course!
                                   The nativity scene set up in our chapel by the Sores (religious sisters)

                                                           Merry Christmas from Allison and I!

Our breakfast feast Christmas morning! (I promise we ate real food before we started in on the icing covered cinnamon roles!)

January 2017-
                                                                We took the older kids to a nearby posa(waterfall)

After Mass coffee in Trujillo

February 2017-
My Classroom!
we got to go on a missionary retreat at the end of February

March 2017-
He's 7! Celebrated my classes first birthday of the year this month

my 2nd grade babies are making father's day cards for our fathers day celebration today! (and yes, this Sunday is Father's day in honduras!)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed hearing about my life and my mission via photos. If you would like more information about the finca or would like to hear more about my life, feel free to email or write. I love hearing from you! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!